New Metro City Lahore

Our Little Story !

It all began with a global journey that took us across 23 countries, submerging us in diverse cultures and experiences. Yet, life had a moment in store when circumstances led us back to the homeland in 2017. Arriving back home, we encountered a stark reality; properties we had invested in as overseas had depreciated significantly in value.

This eye-opening experience shed light on the cloudy nature of the real estate industry in Pakistan. Subsequently, a team of professional engineers united to assist individuals with the right options to ensure that they get a promising return on their investment (ROI). Ignited by this passion, we researched the intricate workings of the real estate domain, absorbing insights from the local regulatory authorities and the complex world of land records also commonly known as Patwar Khana. This newfound expertise became the foundation for something greater; a platform for education and enlightenment for people seeking property options that they can bank on.

And thus, the Twin Cities YouTube channel was born. As we shared our insights and experiences, something remarkable happened-the community responded. Through dedication, integrity and an unyielding pursuit of excellence, we have created a network spanning across and beyond Pakistan. This is the evidence of the power of transparency and trust that is rewarded by nature. Our journey from expatriate investors to partners of some of the biggest names of the real-estate industry in Pakistan reflects a transformation rooted in resilience, education and an untiring commitment to integrity.

With a remarkable team, today we stand not just as an emerging icon of the real estate industry but as advocates for transparency, setting new standards in an industry ripe for positive change.


What They Say


Maintaining transparency in all dealings
Infusing a customer-first approach in every aspect of our services
Providing personalized solutions to meet your specific needs




Empowerment: Empowering the community through knowledge and support
Integrity: Commitment to integrity in all actions and decisions
Shared Value: Building prosperity through collaborative creation of shared value
Snapshot of Success
Our Team
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Wajahat Qayyum

COO and Co-Founder

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Malik Jamal

Project Head

Jamal turns projects into expeditions, achieving success with a passion that mirrors the wanderlust he infuses into his life’s journey.

Muhammad Rafaqat

Sales Head

Committed to market discussions and innovative strategies, he finds fulfillment in a life anchored by family, patience and embracing emotions.

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Usama Pervaiz

Managing Director

Usama’s leadership shapes our success with adventure, creativity and dedication. Beyond work, he enjoys hunting and sports.

Muhammad Usman Afzal

Social Media & Marketing Head

Usman is ambitious, detail-oriented and passionate about sports and tech who cherishes moments with loved ones.

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Malik Ahmed Hassan

Project Manager

HIs passion to meet people’s needs is driven by his favorite quote about “believing in the beauty of dreams” and inviting friends over tea.

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Amjad Ali

Project Head

There is nothing impossible to they who will try, life has got all those twists and turns,” Amjad’s creative spirit seeks to create impact.

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Ateeb Chaudhary

Social Media Marketing Manager

Ateeb’s dedication blends innovation and commitment to surpass client needs, while his free time is enriched by a passion for reading.

Soha Sajid

Administrative Assistant

While valuing family and friends, the gym is her second home. Her commitment to administrative excellence makes her a great resource.

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Muhammad Talha Munir

Project Head Chakwal

Beyond his leadership role, his proudest milestone? Introducing Mustard Oil for cooking, pioneering a trend in Pakistan’s culinary landscape.

Path of Progress